Fearless Foundations: The Essential Course For Anxious Dogs

Replace Your Dog’s Anxiety With Curiosity, Calm, And Confidence

Escape the stress, frustrations, and limitations of owning a fearful dog through Fearless Foundations: The Essential Course for Anxious Dogs!

Book your free introductory session today and get $200 off of the cost of the course!

5-Star Overall Google Rating

Foundational Confidence & Calm For Your Dog In Just 3 Hours Per Week

Through Fearless Foundations, you and your dog will go from a life of fear and frustration to the joy and freedom you wanted when you brought them home. Book a free intro session and lock in your $200 discount on the course!

My name is Alex, and I’m the lead trainer for Fearless Foundations: The Essential Course For Anxious Dogs. I’m an expert in training fearful dogs.

If you’re here, I know you believe your dog deserves a life of curiosity, calm, and confidence. Yet, right now they (and you) are stuck living a life of limitations and frustrations because of their anxiety.

  • If you care about the happiness of your dog…
  • If you feel personally responsible for your dog’s well-being and you want to be the best owner you can be…
  • If you’re excited to not only change your dog’s behavior but also feel more fulfilled in your relationship with them….

…Fearless Foundations is the course for you!

Is your dog feeling anxious, nervous, or afraid?
  • Do you dread taking them on walks, to the park, or on field trips because they’ll bark incessantly or act afraid?
  • Do you feel embarrassed and stifled because you can’t leave them at home alone?
  • Is your dog afraid of people, other dogs, loud noises, or even you when you walk into the room?
  • Has anxiety medication stolen your dog’s personality and joy? Have you’ve tried other “natural” solutions that also didn’t work?

In my experience, anxiety-specific training is the only way to help your dog overcome their anxiety. Anything less will leave you feeling like a bad owner, living a half-life, and even considering re homing your beloved dog.

Foundational Calm, on the other hand, will leave you confident, fulfilled, and feeling like the amazing owner that you are!

shy dog training course
shy dog training course
Is your dog feeling anxious, nervous, or afraid?
  • Do you dread taking them on walks, to the park, or on field tips because they’ll bark incessantly or act afraid?
  • Do you feel embarrassed and stifled because you can’t leave them at home alone?
  • Is your dog afraid of people, other dogs, loud noises, or even you when you walk into the room?
  • Has anxiety medication stolen your dog’s personality and joy? Have you’ve tried other “natural” solutions that also didn’t work?

In my experience, anxiety-specific training is the only way to help your dog overcome their anxiety. Anything less will leave you feeling like a bad owner, living a half-life, and even considering re homing your beloved dog.

Foundational Calm, on the other hand, will leave you confident, fulfilled, and feeling like the amazing owner that you are!

Ready to start enjoying your dog again?

Schedule a free canine diagnosis & introductory session where you will get personalized, actionable tips and strategies for you and your dog. Let’s start your dog on the path to a calm and fearless life today! Don’t wait! You get $200 off the course if you schedule your free intro session with me before July 31st!


5-star rating

“From anxious and reactive to relaxed enough to become a service animal!”

“Luna came to me from a rescue in May of 2022. She had many anxieties to work through from separation anxiety and fear based reactivity towards other dogs. Luna is now training as service dog for me and doing great. I completely trust Alex’s judgement and he really knows how to train dogs with anxiety issues.”

The Course: Our Three Pillars To Help Your Fearful Dog

Module 1: Owner Education

Training starts with you holding the leash! In module one, you’ll understand your dog’s anxiety, then learn how you’re unconsciously affecting them, how to communicate with them, and how to be the teacher and guide they need to succeed.

Module 2: Foundational Calm

You’ll change the way your dog approaches and views the world, and how to give them a baseline of calm control.

Module 3: Increasing Confidence & Courage

You’ll teach your dog to replace anxiety with confidence and curiosity, and you will both learn to see situations as an opportunity to explore, learn, and enjoy life.

What You’ll Learn In Fearless Foundations: The Essential Course for Anxious Dogs

  • The most-effective and lasting solutions to help your dog go from anxious and afraid to confident, calm, and comfortable in any situation.
  • The causes of your dog’s anxiety and how to help them overcome their fear.
  • What to never do if you want your dog to live a happy and fulfilled life.
  • How to work with your dog’s nature, not against it.
  • Why medication isn’t always the best solution for your dog’s anxiety (and what you can do instead).
  • The right training tools and products for your dog and how to best use them.
  • Why confidence and curiosity are key to helping your dog living their life fulfilled.
  • The techniques you can use to give your dog that confidence and curiosity, even in the presence of things that trigger their anxiety.
  • The best ways to help your dog feel safe and secure and change their perception of the world around them.
  • How to be the confident teacher and guide for your dog at home, in the car, at the park, or anywhere.
  • How to teach you’re dog to handle stressful situations independently, without panicking.
  • How to create the life with your dog you always dreamed you’d have.

6 Benefits of Fearless Foundations: The Essential Course For Anxious Dogs



Feel confident as an owner, lead your dog well, and instill confidence in them in every situation. You’ll learn my tried-and-true techniques for changing your own mindset and thought patterns to instill your dog with confidence and curiosity!



When your dog finds their courage, you’ll (finally!) enjoy “normal” activities like relaxing in the house or going on a walk with them. No, it’s not too much to ask! Not only will your dog be less anxious, you’ll learn how to translate that into a “normal” lifestyle.



Dogs truly are mankind’s best friend! I’ll help you to bring out the joyful side of this classic bond! Feel happy and proud as you watch them relaxing or curiously sniffing in new situations (instead of becoming agitated).


Peace of Mind

Stop stressing about your dog! Restore peace to your relationship and your home! Train them to be quiet and relaxed whether they’re home alone or in the room with you. The entire program is built around this foundational principle!



Feel closer to your dog than you ever have before when you learn to understand and respond to their wants and needs, and vice versa! If you’ve ever wished to be able to somehow ‘talk to your dog’, this is your chance.



Rekindle the hopes and dreams you had when you brought them home, finally able to do things you never thought you’d do with them! Your dog wants this as much as you do, but they can’t achieve it unless you show them the way!

What’s Special About Fearless Foundations

An Online Course With Live Support From Expert Trainers & Your Peers


6 Months of Anxiety-Specific Training

This ain’t no weekend course. Fearless Foundations lasts half a year and is tailored specifically to canine anxiety and fear. During our time together, we’ll leave no shrub un-sniffed nor ball un-fetched. You’ll learn everything you need to help lead your anxious dog into curiosity, calm, and confidence.


Weekly Lessons

Every week you’ll learn (and practice) something new. Falling behind? Don’t worry! All the content is downloadable, which means you can catch up at your own pace and reference it once you’ve finished up the course. Plus, there are also catch up periods built into the program.


Weekly Assignments

I’ll give you top notch information, and you’ll never have to guess or debate how to implement! I’ll give you weekly assignments so you can practice what you’ve learned! We transform your dog into the best-trained version of themselves.


One-On-One Expert Training

Most online courses don’t give you support from a real trainer. We’re different. Every month you’ll meet with me, and I’ll help you refine your work, answer questions, and solve problems one-on-one.


Group Calls With Fellow Trainees

You’re not alone. In Fearless Foundations, you’ll join monthly group calls to collaborate and connect with other owners who share your problems, pains, hopes, dreams, and experience of being in the course. We’ll also have facilitated discussions about core principals and I’ll answer any questions you and the group might have.


Online Support Community

Get 24/7 support through our Facebook community. Post your wins, questions, problems, and updates, and get timely feedback from our expert trainer and your peers.

Sneak Peek: 11 Essential Skills & Techniques You’ll Learn In Fearless Foundations

Here’s a sneak-peek into just a few of the techniques and skills you’ll learn in Fearless Foundations, The Essential Course for Anxious Dogs!

1. Feel more connected to your dog by learning the signals and messages that they’re giving you. In Module 1, I’ll teach you to read your dog’s body language and signals so you always know when and how to respond.

3. Help your dog know what to do and what not to do by creating clear structure and boundaries. In Module 2, I’ll guide you through implementing proper rules and structure for your dog so they never have to second guess what they are supposed to do and so that you don’t have to pull your hair out when they don’t respond!

5. Communicate better with your dog through professional use of training tools. In Module 1, I’ll teach you how to select and properly use the right training tools and dog products for your dog specifically so that you can achieve the best results.

7. Further encourage your dog to relax by rewarding them when they do. In Module 3, you’ll learn how to properly reward relaxation and curiosity so that your dog can continue to strengthen and enjoy both of these traits.

9. Help your dog replace anxiety with curiosity by teaching them how to act in new or scary situations. In Module 3, you’ll learn how curiosity beats anxiety like rock beats scissors, and how to bring out your dog’s natural curiosity and courage so that things they thought were scary become normal.

11. Improve faster by helping them use small, incremental steps to overcome their fears. In Module 3, you’ll learn how to see your dog’s fears through their eyes, and how to break it down into appropriate steps for maximum learning and growth.

2. Help your dog feel safe by removing and avoiding unnecessary stressors in your home and when you take them out. In Module 2, we’ll go over identifying stressors, breaking them down into bite-sized pieces, and how and when to remove or avoid them until your dog is ready to face them.

4. Help your dog burn off nervous energy by developing a simple exercise routine tailored to your dog specifically. In Module 2, I’ll help you learn to effectively exercise your dog in a way that works their body and mind in order to give them purpose and fulfillment.

6. Help your dog relax in the face of triggers through therapeutic exercises. In Module 2, you’ll learn my tried and true exercises to put your dog into a relaxed, confident state of mind, no matter what’s going on around them.

8. Help your dog manage obsessions and self-excitement through emotional regulation. In Module 2, you’ll learn how to develop your dog’s impulse control to help them not only learn how to stay calm in stressful settings but to keep them safer in day to day environments.

10. Help your dog develop autonomy rather than relying on your guidance all the time. In Module 3, you’ll teach your dog to be able to reassure and calm themselves in stressful situations. This is where their new skills become habit!


Transformations Of My Past Students

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“From anxious to calm and confident!”

“Alex really knows his profession! He is awesome and thorough. My pup says ‘Thank you Alex, I really appreciate you helping me get over my anxiety!’”


“A huge transformation!”

“My experience working with you has been excellent. She was not the dog she is now. Huge transformation! She’s learned a lot and we’ve learned a lot. It was a learning experience for all of us. We’re on the right path, you’ve taught us a lot about what to do, and helped us understand both why and how.”


“From considering rehoming her to a joy to have as a part of the family!”

“When we got Coco, she was not comfortable with our kids. She would nip them and hide from them, cowering in our room for the whole day. After plenty of training and many updates back and forth with Alex, Coco became very comfortable with our kids. She loves our kids now, responds appropriately to their annoyances, and jumps on the trampoline with them. Because of Alex and his expertise, we get to safely keep our dog. We are so, so, so grateful for Alex and Kelly.”


“Huge improvements for his anxiety and barking!”

“(We worked with) Alex to help Caesar with anxiety and excessive barking. I cannot say enough good things about Alex and his methods. He’s extremely knowledgeable, helpful and will treat your dog as if it’s his own. We are seeing wonderful improvement in our pups overall health and demeanor. If you’re looking for a caring, capable dog trainer then I highly recommend Alex’s Dog Training.”



Take the Next Step Toward A Dog Who Is Calm and Fearless, Not Anxious Or Afraid!

When you schedule a free intro dog training session, you’ll learn:

  • What mistakes you might be making with your anxious dog.
  • At least 2 actionable items you can implement today to start working on your dog’s anxiety.
  • How Fearless Foundations could fit in with your dog’s training and recovery.

Schedule a free intro session with me before July 31st and you’ll lock in a $200 discount to the total cost of the course!

Complete the form below and I will message you back with some potential times to talk.  Let’s get you and your dog on the path to the calm and fearless life today!

Lead Trainer
Alex Peacock

A Note from Alex: Is Online Training Effective?

I get asked this question a lot! As someone who has trained hundreds of dogs, both in person and online, I can confidently say that yes it is!

Why? Whether your trainer is in person or online, you are the differentiating factor for your dog’s success. Your willingness to make shifts and consistently implement new techniques determines whether any training takes and sticks.

For this reason, online training can sometimes be even better than in-person training. In fact, I actually created this program because I think it’s a better option for solving caning anxiety. Because the training is online, I can’t just reach out and take the leash and do it for you. I have to train you how or the training just won’t work.

Many trainers can solve behavioral problems while they are with your dog, only to have everything disappear when the trainer walks away. With my training, there is no false progress: every bit of progress is made through you.

It doesn’t matter whether I’m flesh and blood or pixels. My ability to train you to be skilled in leading your dog is what creates success, and that’s something I’m confident I can do online if you’re willing to commit to showing up with me and your dog!

Other F.A.Q.s

Will it work for my dog?

Yes. I’ve worked with so many dogs, both in-person and online, and I’ve never met an anxious dog I couldn’t help.

Like humans, on the surface dogs are all different, but deep down they’re all wired the same. The fundamentals that your dog needs to be confident and calm is the same as every other dog I’ve trained. We’ll work together to tailor it to you and your dog as individuals.

Wouldn't it be more affordable to just send my dog off to a traditional trainer?

I get it – the course might seem expensive. I know that budgets can be tight, but I also know that (because you’re even considering this) you’re the kind of owner who knows that your dog’s fulfillment is worth investing in.

An average board-and-train package for anxiety runs between $2 thousand and $4 thousand, so the cost isn’t egregious or outside of what’s normal for this industry. Also, board and trains may work to train your dog, but without you being the one to make the progress, you may not be able to maintain what they have learned, leaving you at square one out a $$$ a couple grand.

I have had so many people come to me for help after having already invested hundreds or thousands into their dog’s training with little to no results or having had results quickly fade away.

Also, how much is it worth to you to know that your dog is living their life fulfilled? Living the life you (and your dog) want pays manifold dividends in the end.

Even if you’re nervous about the cost, book a call with me. I do offer monthly payment plans to reduce the burden, and the call is free. What do you have to lose?

Is there any sort of guarantee?

I can guarantee that through this course you will be given all the tools you need to help your dog overcome their fear and anxiety.

The rest is up to you. I cannot guarantee success because I can’t guarantee your actions. However, I can guarantee that if you do your work your dog will come out of this course far more curious, calm, and confident than when you began.

Are the changes lasting?

You don’t just want a quick-fix solution that soon begins to depreciate. You want a solution that provides your dog with a better, less-anxious life long-term.

Like I stated earlier, this largely depends on you. Through the course, I’ll give you the behaviors, tools, techniques, mindsets, and practices you need to help your dog to be courageous. I’ll also provide you with ongoing techniques to ensure those changes last.
If you continue using those resources, the changes will continue too. If not, your dog may revert to their old behaviors.

That said, my goal is to empower you with the tools, training, and encouragement you need to succeed long after we’re done. You get access to all of the lessons forever, plus they’re downloadable. I also offer a la carte private virtual sessions if you need a touch up at a discounted rate for people who graduate this course.

And most importantly, you’ll have developed habits, not just book knowledge, about the best ways to help your dog be calm, composed, and courageous in every situation.