
Unleashed Dog Training

Life without limitations through a dog trainer you can trust.

Freedom and a fulfilling life for you, your family, and your dog through a specialized dog obedience trainer.

What’s Possible

Fully share your life with a happy dog.

What kinds of things would you do with your dog if they were fully trained?

  • Go on an off-leash run?
  • Take them to a restaurant?
  • Let them wander free when you have company?
  • Bring them with you on adventures at the park, in the mountains, or in the car?

These realities are possible, but finding the right trainer for your dog is key!

At Unleashed Dog Training, each of our obedience trainers have unique specialties, and all of them love to help families like yours go from an experience of frustration and limitation to being able to fully enjoy their lives and dogs.

What’s possible for you and your canine family member when you find the trainer of your dreams? Meet our trainers now, and find out for yourself today!

An un-trained life is an un-shared life.

There are so many limitations for untrained dogs. Living life on a leash. Being stuck in the kennel when there’s company. Muzzles. Missed walks, runs, and bicycle trips, and a lack of ability to communicate with you, the family they love. And then for you, anger and embarrassment at unwanted behaviors, the longing to bring your dog to the places that you love and fully share your life with them, the hopelessness because you don’t know how to make it real. Does this sound like your experience?

There are real consequences for picking the wrong trainer or leaving your dog untrained.

Limitations are only the half of it. Not training – or choosing the wrong trainer – can have extreme consequences for your dog. Maybe your dog bites another dog or, worse, a child. Maybe they run out into the road or off into the woods and…well, you understand. Maybe you hire a trainer that’s not the right fit. The best case scenario is that you waste money, time, and get mediocre results. The worst? Your dog never comes home again, or they come back emotionally scarred from unethical training styles. These are real concerns.

Find a specialized trainer you can trust.

Imagine finding a quality trainer that fits your dog’s needs perfectly and – suddenly – they’re trained. Imagine all the things that you’ll now share with them:

  • Nicely riding in the car
  • Going on a run off-leash
  • Letting them gracefully greet your visitors
    Sitting quietly at your feet while you watch a film or read

Imagine how happy they’ll be to be with you…and vice versa! This reality is possible. And our dog obedience trainers never tire of making it happen for the families we serve!

A curated online hub for quality dog obedience trainers in your area.

Unleashed Dog Training was created to help you find your dream trainer. We host multiple quality dog trainers, all of whom we vet for quality and feature for their specialties and personalities. We love the experience of helping match a family to a trainer in our area who specializes in the needs that their dog has. What’s possible for you and your dog when you meet your dream trainer? A life of freedom and fulfillment. Meet our featured trainers now, and find out for yourself today!

The Many Benefits of Training Your Dog


There’s nothing like looking into the eyes of a happy dog. When they’re trained, this happens all the time.

Better Relationship

With a connection of love and respect, your dog will feel like more of a part of your family.


Ability to remain composed and in control when you’re with your dog.

Better Communication

Reliable communication between you and your dog in whatever situation, high- or low-stimulation.

Clarity and Consistency

Clear commands obeyed quickly and consistently. No more repeating what you want over and over again.


You and your dog will both feel confident in your roles and responsibilities in the home, on a walk, or when meeting new people and other dogs.


No more guilt at having to leave your dog behind. If you want them, they’ll be with you all the time!

Peace of Mind

No fear of the worst case scenario happening when your dog runs off after something that they want.

The Many Benefits of Using Unleashed to Find A Trainer

Variety In Trainers

Compare different trainers side by side without jumping from site to site. Find a trainer who specializes in the needs of your dog and family.

Meet Before You Message Them

Get to know our trainers and their specialties before you ever reach out to them to ensure they offer the services you’re looking for and that you like their personality!

Ease Of Use

Have an easy, clean experience of perusing trainers and contacting the one that’s right for your family!

Ensure Trainer Quality

We vet our trainers for quality and availability before we ever feature them on our site. You’ll never get a dud with us or worry that your dog will be mistreated while they’re trained.

Do It Yourself

Not quite ready to hire? Find DIY dog training resources so you can make progress on your own without spending a penny. 

Don’t Compromise!

Find A Specialized Trainer You Can Trust Today

Just over the horizon is a shared life of joy and freedom for you and your dog. Don’t spend another day living a half-life of limitations and frustrations with your dog. Instead, find a trainer you can trust, and start your journey to a shared life of companionship, adventures, respect, and camaraderie today!


Frequently Asked Questions

What if my dog is aggressive?

Some of our featured trainers are trained in how to deal with nervous, anxious, or aggressive dogs. Check out our Featured Trainer page to find a trainer that specializes in aggressive dogs!

Do you offer any sort of guarantee

You will ultimately be working directly with your chosen dog trainer, which means we cannot provide a guarantee. However, by only featuring local trainers who fit certain criteria and standards, we do our best to ensure that the quality of our trainers is very high. To learn more about the qualifications that we require, visit our Featured Trainers page.

What exact training services do you offer?

Each of our trainers offers different services and has different specialties, so head on over to the our Featured Trainers page and see for yourself!

Do you offer board and trains?

Each of our trainers offers different services and has different specialties, so head on over to the our Featured Trainers page and see for yourself!

Why do you only feature balanced or positive reinforcement trainers?

In order to make sure our team and trainers are doing right by your dog(s), we choose to work only with and feature trainers that fit into training styles that lean heavily on positive methods, with negative methods only incorporated when necessary to protect the dog. We believe that both positive reinforcement and balanced dog training fit into this model.

Positive reinforcement training is when the trainer focuses solely on reward-based training methods such as treat training or toy-training. Balanced training is when the trainer also incorporates certain correction-based methods such as prong-collar or ecollar in order to communicate with dogs in high-risk and high-stimulation situations. Both of these philosophies, when used by an ethical and trained professional are viable training styles. A purely pain-based or corrective style does a disservice to the dog being trained, can be easily abused, and rarely gets results that stick.